El 15/09/14 a las 16:38, shiret...@web.de escibió:

> I can't see why the debian operating system (which is by default fully
> free)  

It is as free by default as CodePlex is.

> should become less freedom friendly just by providing a way for those
> persons to do as they wish.

One thing is to let people choose to do as they wish and another is to
promote methods for them to become slaves. It is as good as putting a
gun in front of a suicidal patient or to promote healthy nutrition by
putting junk food on the table.

> The fsf is trying to dig a tunnel through solid rock and doesn't
> advance one tiny inch. They have to realise that their method won't
> work in a hundred years.

The reason we have not advanced an inch is not because of the FSF. It is
because people do not value freedom. Freedom is not the right to become

Double agents do no good to our movement: "Many people speak about
freedom. But there are very few whos lives have not been devoted mainly
to forge chains." (Gustave Le Bon)

Saludos libres,
Quiliro Ordóñez
600 8579
Se encuentra muchos hombres que hablan de libertad, pero muy pocos cuya vida no 
se haya consagrado, principalmente, a forjar cadenas.
(Gustave Le Bon)

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