On 13.09.2014 13:04, shiret...@web.de wrote:
> "Either it's free or it isn't. "

FSF still doesn't endorse the distribution called Debian just because it
collaborates with the group behind that distribution, called Debian.

> That's a silly statement in our current digital situation.

"A program is free software if it gives users adequately all of these
freedoms. Otherwise, it is nonfree. While we can distinguish various
nonfree distribution schemes in terms of how far they fall short of
being free, we consider them all equally unethical."


> Almost no one here runs a computer with -literally- 100% free software.

"But we reject certain compromises even though many others in our
community are willing to make them. For instance, we endorse only the
GNU/Linux distributions that have policies not to include nonfree
software or lead users to install it. To endorse nonfree distributions
would be a ruinous compromise."


> Even Gluglug and the Lemote contain some non-free firmware as far as I
> know (harddrive or stuff like that).

"We want users to be able to upgrade and control the software at as many
levels as possible. If and when free software becomes available for use
on a certain secondary processor, we will expect certified products to
adopt it within a reasonable period of time. This can be done in the
next model of the product, if there is a new model within a reasonable
period of time. If this is not done, we will eventually withdraw the

http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/criteria (100% Free Software)

> According to you, we should stop endorsing the evil non-free
> thinkpinguin notebooks.
> Sure, just the bios is non-free, but "either
> it's free or it isn't", right?

I as leader of a free software activist group (Ceata), I don't endorse
ThinkPenguin notebooks with nonfree BIOS. Neither RMS or FSF, because:

"The BIOS of a PC runs on the CPU, not on a separate secondary
processor, so this exception does not apply to the BIOS."

http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/criteria (100% Free Software)

> Many people make compromises in their lives, and we shouldn't blame them
> for it. 

We shouldn't blame users, but teach them not to as part of the activism
for free software.

However, we have to blame developers who pretend to distribute free
software, but in fact recommend and distribute nonfree as well.

If we blame developers for their nonfree distribution, it doesn't mean
we should not work with them on freedom projects and try our best to
make them understand it's wrong not to be fully free.


"We will also cover recent collaboration efforts between the two
projects and how we can improve upon them to the betterment of free


Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

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