From the Tor website:
"If your attacker can watch the traffic coming out of your computer, and also the traffic arriving at your chosen destination, he can use statistical analysis to discover that they are part of the same circuit." Don't get me wrong guyzz - tor is great software and under many circumstances it does work- but if you are using tor to anything illegal there are chances you'll get caught in the long run - if you duckduckgo a little around you'll find very unpleasant stories related to illegal tor use. I remember a couple of years ago and last year a lot of big deep-services disappeared overnight. many are in jail.. And we're talking about professional criminals here , the "silkroad" type of criminals.. If you value your privacy so much as to use tor for your every-day normal surfin' experience, well that's very cool and admirable. If you think that in this post-9/11 brave new world something like tor can guarantee you a 100% anonymity all the time you are wrong. :-)

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