A lot of reading here. Some of it made me think. Some made me lol.
alonsogonzalez - I understand you're being sarcastic - but please don't compare windblowz and gnu/linux - those are as distant and diverse as a ferrari and a fiat punto.. Try installing windows 7 or brrrr.. 8 on a low-peforming-little-toy netbook, use it for a couple of hours and then install whatever gnu/linux distro!! You' ll have transformed an almost unusable slow and useless machine into a perfectly working and enjoyable netbook. And that's just performance. Not to mention security, which is and always should be the primary concern of every OS..

quantumgravity - your reasoning is very shallow - let's all surrender, let's all give up for big brother is watchin' us!! My answer to this is: no way duuude!! In a constantly and pathologically monitored society, like the one in which we are living, the use of free software (100% free software) seems to me to be not only a good answer, but a moral obligation.

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