How do you come to the conclusion that two or three votes represent the majority?

Well, its does not necessarily represent the majority but I tend to believe it usually does (knowing the community, reading the replies, etc.).

I would prefer a voting system that doesn't show the amount of upvotes unless a certain threshold - for instance, 5 or 6 votes - is reached.

Like I wrote: I would prefer both the number of up-votes and the number of down-votes. In this way, you can see the difference between 3-0 (only three people strongly agree or disagree) and 13-10 (a polemical topic that strongly divides the community).

Anyway, this thread is about hiding. Thresholds can be discussed later. Until now, the result is +6 against hiding. It looks like it is closer to 6-0 than to 16-10 because no reply defends hidings (but I cannot be sure; maybe david or quidam himself can tell).

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