I was a free software advocate for a few years. I read Stallman's essays and other FSF material, and I jumped at the chance to tell those I knew about the movement. This, unfortunately, turned me into an annoying, pedantic radical to those around me. And it appears to happen to other people in the movement.

I wanted to free my computing fully, so I installed Trisquel on my computer. When I first installed it, I botched the installation and lost nearly all my files. I eventually got over that, but one day, out of the blue, my computer lost the ability to resume after suspending. It took a substantial amount of highly technical work to fix it, and I doubt the average user would ever have been able to accomplish it. Another time, again out of the blue, it stopped booting altogether, and again I had to perform fixes that I am sure no average user could accomplish. Not only that, the problem was that the boot program was prompting the user for input on encountering an error, a terrible programming practice.

More recently, upgrading to Trisquel 7.0 caused my screen to display psychedelic colours. That problem was unexpectedly solved when I left my laptop on a bus and could not recover it, but after purchasing a new one, I found that Trisquel could not display graphical output or perform network connections at all.

All of these things are completely unacceptable for a modern operating system. They caused me great inconvenience and stress and cost me much time. Yet those here would have said that, by staying with Microsoft Windows, I was more oppressed. This brings me to my point.

The fundamental purpose of software is to run. It is not to be free and open, it is to run. Software of any license model that does not run, or does not run as the user needs it to run, is useless to the user. Free software that does not or cannot perform the tasks the user needs it to perform is more restrictive than proprietary software that does perform said tasks.

To use an analogy, if my car's blueprints are freely available, it can be easily disassembled and reassembled, and its mechanics and manufacturers are responsive to complaints, all of that matters nothing if the car cannot move under its own power.

Richard Stallman attempted to answer something similar in his essay "Imperfection Is Not Oppression", in which he states: "Making a program nonfree is an injustice committed by the developer that denies freedom to whoever uses it. The developer deserves condemnation for this." But by this statement he neglects the following points: (a) proprietary software can do good, too — indeed, most people use proprietary software and complete a great deal of work with it; (b) oppression is only oppression when the oppressed feel that it is; and (c) as I have said, most people do not use or need this "freedom" that is denied, but simply need their software to run.

Stallman also notes that "Developing a free program without adding a certain important feature is...doing some good but not all the good that people need." But, again, "all the good that people need" is for the program to run. If a program cannot perform the tasks that a user requires, it is not doing any good at all for that user.

Following Trisquel's utter failure to fulfill my needs, I decided to install Ubuntu. And it worked perfectly, "out of the box". I even found that it worked perfectly with the Linux-Libre kernel, and without any proprietary packages installed. I am able to maintain my freedom, even if you don't approve of it.

Don't get me wrong. I still see free software as a good thing. But know that you are not entitled to it. It is a bonus, and not a right.

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