First time I hear about a GNU installation doing "automatic log off". Is that possible? Lock screen is another thing..

For searching, viewing and downloading youtube vids I can recommend SMTube. The version in your repo is outdated and it won't work. You download the source code of the latest version here ->

Just open the terminal and cd in the smtube directory (the one you extracted from the bz2) and type "make"

Make sure you have all the dependencies installed. Being that SMTube is in your repo, the easiest way to do that is: sudo apt-get build-dep smtube.

Once you compiled the source you go to the folder and just run the executable.

By default smtube uses javascript and cookies. You can disable both in the folder /home/.config/smtube/ by setting javascript=false in smtube.ini and by setting cookies.ini to read only.

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