> You just showed up out of the blue, expected me to do things your way and
> assumed that I would agree (which I didn't).

On the one hand you say you never worked with us and on the other you say we made you do things. Which is it? Did we work with you or didn't we?

> And yes, I did contact Todd Weaver, to try to get information, because I was
> genuinely curious about what his company was actually doing. I'd hardly
> describe that as "deception".

You created another email account just so he wouldn't know who you were! How is that not deceptive? You didn't go up to him and say "Hey- we have the same interested, will you work with us?". That's the honest approach to take. We did that with you and you shunned us. For no good reason. You didn't even give us a chance to work with you.

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