Just a general rule: don't react to things with extremism, especially things you don't know about. I see this mistake from new people all too often. Take a deep breath and actually learn why Trisquel doesn't filter out all of these things; don't assume that it's because Trisquel is "malware".

I'll just tackle all of your concerns:

- JPEG is a non-patented, non-secret format. It poses no problems at all for anybody. It's currently the best format for lossy image compression.

- I think all of the MPEG formats are patent-encumbered. So if you're in a position where you're likely to be attacked by patent trolls, not having support for them may be a good idea. In that case, just remove the "libgstreamer-plugins-bad0.10-0" package. However, you are probably not in such a position.

- All of the patents on LZW (the part of GIF that was patent-encumbered) expired years ago. You don't need to worry about expired patents. The only reason not to use GIF now is that PNG is simply a better format.

- .doc is not patent-encumbered, just secret. It's not very good to give people .doc files, but you aren't going to benefit at all from refusing to run libre software that is able to read this format due to reverse-engineering.

- I think that .docx is patent-encumbered, but for the moment, Microsoft has promised not to sue anyone for patent infringement. Again, you ought to not give people these files, but you gain nothing from not being able to read them.

- .ico, .wav, and .bmp are all non-patented and non-secret. They don't have "licenses". No license is needed if the format isn't encumbered by patents.

- As root_vegetable said, "DRM" in the context of Linux means "Direct Rendering Manager". You shouldn't just assume you know what something is based on its name like that. Without the DRM, I don't think you would be able to use a graphical display at all.

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