Which reminds me of GNU having no OS distribution of their own (so far as I know).

Seriously, wouldn't it be nice if GNU rolled out such a libre distro of its own? Built on top unmodified Debian/main, having a free ride on it and adding libre solutions on top of that, might be a good candidate for GNU. As a side effect it would bolster GNU-Debian relationship, where Debian is already dedicated to FOSS philosophy.

Probably not very much GNU resources would be needed, as a separate/dedicated team would hopefully be able to roll by themselves. It would be just fine if GNU contributed its presence (name) and endorsement. GNU name alone might attract people in droves. Ofcourse, if GNU got actually involved in it, the better.

For example, GNUS or GNUOS ?

One drawback might be that GNU would have no direct control over Debian/main repository. What if Debian in the future somehow strays off its dedication to FOSS and consequently Debian/main loses its endorsement by FSF? (an extremely unlikely event)

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