Chromium (not Chrome which is clearly not free) has a multi-license set-up, which adds a lot of complexity to assessing issues as it relates to copy-left. The most obvious issue is that some mainline components use the MS-PL license in part, which is not GPL compliant. That is the most obvious, but I am sure there is more because the browser is a collection of several projects, with each contributing licenses to the end product. The project also changes components over time, so its level of copy-left compliance can shift from version to version. Another issue is that the Google portion of the code uses the "BSD License" which is actually several licenses of which only some are GPL compliant. One would have to read the actual license to assess which version it is as I have only seen it referred to in this super unhelpful shorthand in any kind of summary.

Firefox in contrast uses a single, GPL compliant license (the MPL v. 2.0+) for all compontents making the only issues related to freedom being branding and access to third party add-ons which may carry different licenses.

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