One thing I like about systemd though is that it displays the entire
known jornal/log in one command and also tries to stop software
developers from resorting to dirty practices such as changing an
already-written line of the the journal/log.

2017-12-28T04:51:43+0100 wrote:
> I really think your nitpicking, magicbanana. I also think this does
> not do any good to the free software community to argue over things
> that have been proven again and again. There is a good reason
> hyperbola, devuan, and other distros have rejected systemd.
> Just stop okay. Don't give me that trump bs okay?  Trump bs as in, I
> will deny the truth no matter what evidence is presented.
> This does not benefit anyone. It is you sadly who is rejecting reality.
> Also, just to clarify: YOU DO NOT OWN ME NOR DO I TAKE ORDERS FROM YOU...
> sorry, but it has to be said, so I kindly ask you to knock off the
> blind fanboy bit.
> and mods, if you are watching send this to the troll hole.

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