Well, I didn't REALLY think you picked up an AK47 and said, "Ladies and
gentleman, this is an educated college professional who does not carry a
smartphone. If nobody loses their head, then nobody loses their head.
Simon says, everybody get down on the floor except for.....you sir, you
can do the honours. Forward this interoffice memo to
butterflyzrfree...@riseup.net and you get an amazing story to tell your
friends. Don't and you get a tag on your toe, your choice." but it
seemed too personal of a question to ask. ;)

I.am.done. I just took the battery out of my talking senior citizen's
flip phone last night because it makes me too angry and defensive.

Your explicit tutorial is all I need, not a $699 charge on my credit
card for a surveillance device I don't want just to make (expletive
deleted)s STFU so I don't wind up like Thelma & Louise.

Nobody cares. As long as I answer my texts and phone calls in a timely
manner, I don't ever have to put the battery back in the cell phone again.

You also saved me $108 every year--that may not be much to you, but it
will buy me a lot of computer parts, books,  and food. :)

This is only one of the many, many times when you, specifically an
individual who posts on the Trisquel boards with the username "Mason",
and collectively you, many, many, many gnu developers too numerous for
me to remember all the usernames and forums over the course of the past
fourteen years, had an enormous impact on the quality of life of this
particular specific individual random stranger on the internet.

Keep up the good work, okay?


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