> Nobody is trying to hurt you and not all of us are young, 

I am.

> childless,

I am.

>  middle  
> class 

I am not.

If anybody would like to help me balance my poverty situation, message

- $1,600/mo.
- reliant on others for transportation
- work in Lee's Summit, Missouri, USA
- boyfriend in Independence, Missouri, USA
- cash only
- must travel to ATM to get cash
- landline telephone
- no cellphone
- no e-commerce
- brick and mortar stores only
- broadband internet
- no cable TV service
- VPN for torrents
- all meals homemade, from scratch: beans, rice, vegetables
- restaurant meals for BF (IDK how to cook edible non-vegan food)
- vegan toothpaste
- vegan deodorant
- multiple hard drives to back up my laptop PROPERLY

> men 

I am.

> who went to elite prep schools and 

I am not.

I lack the money and sanity to attend.

> live in their mother's  
> basements. 

I am.

> We're not all wearing black hoodies either.

I am not.

My hoodie is brown, because black is cold, depressing, shows dirt, and
worsens summer heat.

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