> 7 is compatible with my
> computer system.

Then Trisquel 8 almost certainly is too.

> I am ruing the fact that I accepted the suggestion from
> Trisquel to upgrade yesterday.

So you tried upgrading and have experienced problems? Chances are that
the problem is not Trisquel 8, but with the process by which you

> But,
> without help, that will be my only option.

I'm happy to help, but that's tough without knowing what specific
problems you are encountering. Here are guesses, based on issues other
users have encountered while upgrading from Trisquel 7 to Trisquel 8.

(1) Make sure that the package "trisquel" is installed. You can install
this package graphically with Synaptic or via the command line with

$ sudo apt install trisquel

See here[1] for information on installing software. If your system is so
broken that you can't even get a terminal open, then instead of logging
into a graphical session type Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a TTY. Log in there,
and run "sudo apt install trisquel".

Once Trisquel is installed, reboot. Then, at the login screen, look for
a little icon next to your username. Click on it, and you will get a
dropdown list of all of the desktop environments you have installed. One
of them will be called something similar to "Trisquel" or "GNOME" or
"GNOME Fallback". This was the default desktop environment for Trisquel
7. Another will be called "MATE". This is the default desktop
environment for Trisquel 8, and that is what we want. After selecting
"MATE", log in.

If you have already done all of this and still have problems, we'll need
to you be specific about exactly what those problems are in order to
help you fix them. When describing each problem, tell us
- What did you expect to happen?
- What did you try?
- What happened instead?

[1] https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/installing-updating-and-removing-software

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