> Yes, the other 2 kernels (4.4.0-142-generic and 4.4.0-141-generic) did
> not fix the problem.

I'm going to assume that "the problem" is that you have no sound. If the
problem is more specific than that then let me know. I'm also assuming
that you are using MATE, the default Trisquel desktop environment, and
that you have not uninstalled Pulseaudio or installed JACK. Let me know
if any of these assumptions is incorrect.

Here are some things to try:

First run

$ aplay -l
$ arecord -l
$ lspci | grep Audio
$ sudo lshw | grep -A 5 multimedia

and copy/paste the output of those four commands here.

Next, go to Control Center -> Sound, and go to the "Hardware" tab. You
should see at least one sound device. For each device you see, click
"Test Speakers" and test all of the output channels. If you are using a
laptop, try this both with and without headphones. See which devices can
and cannot produce sound.

Next, start playing some music or something through vlc or mpv (not
Abrowser) and while that's going run

$ alsamixer

(You might have to install it first.) alsamixer exposes lower-level
settings for your sound cards than MATE's volume preferences. Here are
the basic controls
- Left/Right to switch between faders
- Up/Down to adjust a fader
- M to mute/unmute a fader
- F6 to switch sound cards

Unmute and turn up every fader for every sound card until you get sound
or run out of faders to try.

Report back the results of trying these things. The more detailed you
can be the better. Hopefully that will give us some clues as to what the
problem is.

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