> What should we install to get networking working?

$ sudo apt install network-manager

If using the command line, use

$ nmtui

to connect. If if using a desktop environment or window manager with a

$ sudo apt install network-manager-gnome

and run

$ nm-applet

or add nm-applet to your list of startup commands.

I find on Trisquel 9 that after installing NetworkManager hangs for five
minutes on "A start job is running for raise network interfaces" while
booting. To fix this, edit "/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf" as root and change
"timeout 300" to "timeout 15"

> I am at the stage where
> I can boot into Trisquel 9, but get no networking. I could use either
> wifi or wired but neither work.

I'm surprised wired doesn't work, but if you can't connect to the
Internet then you'll have to install network-manager offline. On another
computer, download the deb file from here:


copy it over to your Trisquel 9 system, and run

$ sudo dpkg -i /path/to/network-manager-gnome_1.8.10-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb

If you are missing dependencies then you'll need to download those from
packages.ubuntu.com and install them with dpkg as well. Then connect
with "nmtui" and install network-manager-gnome with apt if desired.

> And every time I boot the filesystem check fails.

Not sure how to fix that, sorry.

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