I decided to give the new Trisquel 9 graphical live system a spin, and found that the orca screen reader will not start. First, I tried waiting about 10 minutes after boot, thinking it might start in the manner to which I'm accustomed in Trisquel. When nothing seemed to happen, I ticked the volume controls on my keyboard, and heard the 'opop' sounds, thereby confirming that the audio system is working. I typed the orca command "/usr/bin/orca --setup" into the 'run' dialogue, and heard nothing. Next, I tested the tts system, and found that it's working. Finally, I opened a mate terminal and gave the command, "which orca", and got "/usr/bin/orca", which showed that the binary is in the proper place. I used the ocr feature in my smart phone to learn this. Finally, I ran orca from the terminal and heard errors regarding something called canbera being missing, and something about unable to start gtk dialog without a parent. Again, using my phone's ocr features and tts. BTW, this activity was all on bare metal.


-Dave  H.

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