Here's the result from my first thoughtful guess:
while sleep 300; do sync -f /home/george/Desktop/May2020/nMapScans/ScoreCards-IPv4/SyncIPv4/; done | time sudo nmap -Pn -sn -T4 --max-retries 8 -iL Addresses.IPv4.May2020.37.txt -oG - | grep "Host:" '-' | awk '{print $2,$3}' '-' | sed 's/()/(No_DNS)/g' | tr -d '()' | uniq -c | awk '{print $3"\t"$2}' '-' | sort -k 1 > SyncIPv4/Random.IPv4.May2020.37.nMap.primary.oG.txt

Nothing appeared until the script finished, whereupon time added the following:
195.00user 99.48system 4:15:16elapsed 1%CPU
followed by sync's responses:
(0avgtext+0avgdata 13032maxresident)k0inputs+0outputs (0major+2486minor)pagefaults 0swaps without any actual conclusion of the script; the prompt hasn't reappeared yet, even though
there is no network activity. I used Ctrl+C to regain the prompt.

Where was sync saving the cached output during the 4-1/4 hours the script was running ?

There were many singular PTR records, a modest number of No_DNS responses, and few, if any, multi-address PTR's.

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