Here's one of the old scripts which was causing the output file to be updated: awk '{print $1}' 'B-May2020-L.768-secondary.txt' | sudo nmap -6 -Pn -sn -T4 --max-retries 16 -iL '-' -oG - | grep "Host:" '-' | awk '{print $2,$3}' '-' | sed 's/()/(No_DNS)/g' | tr -d '()' | uniq -u > May2020-L.768-secondary.oGnMap.txt

There's no sort there, just uniq, which I was expecting only to remove adjacent duplicates. So we aren't at odds.

There are sixteen instances of the script running right now, which keeps the network I/O nice & steady. Some dips happen when there's other traffic, but not because the responses that nmap receives are sporadic;
those dips are ironed out while so many other nmap scans are ongoing.

George Langford

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