Segun leo Abrowser esta mas actualizado ,ademas dice q LibreJs no funcionara nunca:


Trisquel 7 comes with Abrowser by default, with IceCat in the repos.

Personally, I don't see the benefit in maintaining two separate browsers that are essentially the same. IceCat is usually a few versions behind Abrowser, as it tracks the ESR releases, whereas Abrowser is kept up-to-date. Apparently Abrowser also has a few accessibility tweaks. IceCat also comes with LibreJS, which is doomed to fail IMO.

What I'd like to see is the accessibility stuff ported over from Abrowser to IceCat, and then discontinuation of Abrowser. Keep IceCat up-to-date, and include LibreJS but have it disabled by default. I can't see how this would be any extra work compared with that's done now, and it would simplify things a lot.

LibreJS will never be usable. Think about it. You're never going to get to include the necessary license references in their JS code. It's a flawed plan. Trying to change the entire Internet is a non-starter, surely. Even most fully free sites don't comply with LibreJS yet, and most sites don't even give their JS code much thought license-wise.

Mi mayor lio ,dado que los 2 son basados en firefox, es que addons usar (ademas en una version obsoleta seguramente):

los de:

o los de:

aparte estan los addons propuestos que creo q estan cruzados con los testeados de los que no se sabe mas que lo que dice firefox en los no incluidos en los enlaces anteriores:

Y faltamente creo q no seria aconsejable actualizarlos a mas version que la que FSF propone que es la que ha testeado ella. o ¿Existe algun canal de revisiones de addons o incluso un mismo addon para actualizar los addons por EFF?

Comentarios los que querais... gracias

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