The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Mike,

Like you I also found TROM and after reading it I dropped a lot of other 
'methodologies' and since then I have only done TROM and it has done a lot for 
me and I am just on level 3 .

And thanks for sharing your story with us, just like you I also feel I don't 
have to (must) share my story  but I see it might have some use, if not for me 
then for others.

Have a good day... 

From: Mickel 
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 4:16 PM
To: jurgen_t...@hotmail.com ; The Resolution of Mind list 
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Share: level 3

Hi Jurgen
I understand what you mean by your experience, there is that compulsion to play 
the game, never resting, always having to Be known/must know, seems so 
Being stuck in that way of Being and without the knowledge that is found in 
TROM it's impossible to see outside that compulsive game many of us play.

I am running lots of RI by perception and RI itself while working on Level 2, 
in my first session it became very obvious to me that this object from the past 
I am viewing is not in the past at all, it is a mock up right here right now 
that I am creating.

I have been looking for sometime for something I can use to discharge my 
compulsive game playing within my mind, TROM is definitley the way I intend to 
go now, I can leave all the other spirtual ideas I have come across to one side 
now and just focus on TROM.

It is very easy to understand once I get into it, I have no problem with 
understanding up to level 4 at the moment and cannot wait to get on to those 
higher levels but I am going to make sure I get every level flat first.

What I can say about my use of TROM so far is that it takes the importances off 
the timetrack, I don't need to tell my story so much now.

  Hello everyone,

  I am currently doing level 3 of Trom and wanted to share some of my insights 
that I have experienced. I know that sharing here of xp is not very active but 
I just feel like doing so. During the exercise of level 3 and looking at a 
'present scene' and 'past scene' simultaneously I have come to observe the 
following: present time feels like a 'stream of time', a continues hummm of 
'continue to be known' that keeps moving you forward. Conviction wise it gives 
you 'continues change', 'never resting', a notion of 'becoming', acting as a 
'must be known/must know'. To me it almost seems to automatically be putting me 
in a state of 'compulsive gameplay'.

  How do others experience this? I would love to receive some feedback.

  Happy trommin'



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