The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Dennis talks about achieving a state he called Nirvana and about getting to
a condition where you can willingly play or not play games.  He was not very
clear on what Nirvana would be like.
 My understanding so far is that Nirvana is a condition of simply being.
That is existing without any doingness or havingness toward others or
things. So just existing.

Lester Levenson in “Keys to Ultimate Freedom” states that unhappiness is a
condition we cause for ourselves by deciding that we lack something.  So our
native state is Joyfulness.  This would be like the joy you feel when you
fall in love with someone who returns the feeling.  Joy filled then is
feeling this loving feeling without the need to be loving a particular other

Harmless toward others is of course the no games condition.  If I am in a
game I am trying to have an effect on others.  If I want to not be playing
any game then I want to have no effect on others. So the simple way to say
this is harmless toward everyone.

Nirvana as I see it is then the state of being, joy filled and harmless
toward others.

Meditation is the focused thinking of something or nothing.  The creating of
an attitude or point of view and holding it.  This will necessitate dealing
with anything that comes up while holding the attitude.  In the CCHs
processes the pc is kept at the simple procedure as their reactive mind
throws at the PC everything it can to stop the process from occurring.
Meditation is the same.  Trying to hold a point of view will bring up
reactive mind content which will distract you from your point of view.
Release on or time break or just reaffirm the point and continue.  With
continued practice you will be able to achieve the point of view for longer
periods of time.  When you can hold it indefinitely you are at Nirvana and
able to attain a games free condition at will.

The above is not from Dennis but something I have applied to myself to
achieve the goal of TROM. It works for me so I offer it to everyone in hopes
that it will be helpful.

Keep on TROMing


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