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Hi Colleen, 

I read your post. I'm not going to assume or pretend to have the answer here. 
But perhaps I can, tentatively, offer a few suggestion or make a few comments. 
Maybe they'll prove useful...or maybe they won't. I don't know. 

>From what you're saying you seem to be making good progress with TROM and 
having wins. That's very positive, and very well done on your part. But you 
mentioned you're 
also doing other processes on the side (clearing work, dianetics type engram 
running)...and you're 
using a meter too. It seems to me there might be potential for confusion and 
entanglement here. 
Perhaps it's not a good idea to mix all these different techniques. Perhaps it 
would be prudent to go with 
just one technique rather than several. It's fair and valid to want to resolve 
the mind as fast 
as possible and wanting to make quick progress - I totally get that. And it 
might seem perfectly reasonable
to assume that more techniques employed equals more (and faster) gain. 

Perhaps you could try to do just TROM exclusively (with no other processes on 
the side) for a couple of weeks
(while doing plenty of RI, too); see how that goes. And if the problem you're 
having hasn't improved you could 
rule out the mixing of techniques as the cause. And if the problem has 
improved, it could be an indicator that 
you'd probably be better off doing only one thing, one technique. 

As I said, I do not pretend to know the answer. And using a combination of 
techniques is your prerogative - no one's going to prevent you from doing so. 
But you asked for comments, and so I'm commenting. :-)

In any case, I wish you the best of luck and lots of success. :-)



> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygnifi...@gmail.com
> Sent: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:19:01 -0400
> To: trom@lists.newciv.org
> Subject: [TROM1] Query RE High TA....
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