The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I too wanted to clarify the difference of using MEST eyes vs. Theta  
perception and knowingness.

Let’s first look at the MEST looking.  MEST is emanating waves and  
reflecting particles and waves.  These actions are picked up by the  
eye mechanism and create a signal that is transmitted to the brain.   
MEST seeing also has a perception of time which is motion.  Even in  
still objects there is a moment to moment picture with which is  
classified as, time is changing.

Theta looking in the case of TimeBreaking, is Theta looking at  
facsimiles.  Facsimiles can have motion or no motion.  They certainly  
are not emanating particles or waves and are not seen by or through  
one’s eyes.  They may or may not have motion.  Whether they have  
motion in them or not there is no time passing that they reflect in  
their motion other than, it took time for a facsimile action to  
occur.  If there is a time element taken from the motion, it will  
have to be in the context of, what was the time for or of a sequence  
then.  Because the Thetan has manufactured these facsimiles when they  
occurred and is manufacturing them now, there may be a lot of missing  
elements but the Thetan only has to put them there for them to be  
there.  They are not there on their own.  Another is they will not be  
solid or what one can call real.  They have no reality other than to  
the Thetan for they are not MEST and do not fall under the definition  
of reality.  There is where the Thetan can have his reality really  
mixed up.

The definition of reality here is that which is agreed upon in the  
MEST Universe by two or more Thetans.  Interesting huh.  So if there  
is not a perfect agreement then MEST is not as solid as one may have  
thought, huh.  Do you see how it is possible for one to start to go  
off the rails?  At least it can be said that there is not perfect  
reality because no two MEST viewpoints can occupy the same spot.  So  
you say Theta viewpoints can!  Well that’s true but you still may not  
have perfect agreement.  For now you are having Theta viewpoints and  
obviously not MEST eyeball viewpoints.  Is MEST going even further  
from solid into liquid?  Careful you don’t get to the vapor stage.   
Things are not as solid as one thought they were and the agreement,  
the reality is starting to get a little thin and narrow too, huh!

Theta can also look at MEST and in doing so, (not using eyeballs)  
would it not be the same as looking at facsimiles?

So one needs to know this.  This gives understanding to what is  
happening in TimeBreaking.  Which truly is the more ‘real’, the more  
‘solid’.  Careful now, that you don’t have an emergency and have to  
call someone into the room to get reality back.  Just joking.  I must  
say that all depends on how you yourself want to judge what is real  
for you.

So there you have it briefly.  There are two types of looking.  Both  
done differently.  Now the question becomes, who or what is doing  
both of those lookings?  I leave that for you do discover and know.   
I simply went briefly into the Tech of looking.  There are several  
distinct ways of doing that.  This should give you fluidity over both  
lookings and the right to choose which is more solid and real.  But  
realize that one does not always have to outrank the other.  Yes, the  
ranking can be switched back and forth too.  That is entirely up to  
you.  This kinda puts reality in several possible places.

You might say you now have a new freedom.  Use it wisely, use it for  
fun.  Also see that a reality of others cannot be enforced or  
changed.  Don’t bother trying to do so, they have to do it.  I  
believe you will also find this as the four items in Dennis’ Ethics  
section towards the end.  Now you know why it is there.  It’s  
actually there to help you, not police you.  You will never succeed  
though try you may to accomplish any of the four.

Oh, last but not least ….  Can you now answer whether you are  
exterior or not?  Were you ever really interior???  (I hope you don’t  
come up with the answer that you are solid and stuck in a body.  Just  
Trom mailing list

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