The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
p.s. - the thetan's viewpoint goes exterior to the body, never the  
'himself'.  The thetan can never 'go' anywhere, and never has.   Your
viewpoint travels around,  not you !  You create a viewpoint to go
traveling around and having adventures.  You are entertained by it.

I'd love comment on this.

Yes, all true and also your response to my "interesting fun piece on  
EXTERIOR".  To my understanding, I would also say that a viewpoint  
(and the associated point to view from) is a consideration and  
therefore is exterior to the body and is also on the level of pure  
thought.  There is the point to view from, that a viewpoint (the  
Thetan) takes as the basis for the viewpoint but this does not mean  
that there is any mass or location to the viewpoint.  It is pure  
thought.  It is the idea that one has come to if one were to view  
from a specific location and time.  One is not taking the body's  
eyeballs and perceptics to all of these different points to view  
from.  They are thoughts/considerations that the Thetan is having.   
Another definition of Theta is viewpoint.

In Level 3, one can take old scenes and take new viewpoints from  
those old scenes even now.  Dennis mentions getting the idea of  
getting on a bus from an old scene and seeing where it takes one.  I  
did that and found that I could explore more of that old scene.  I  
did it on foot, on a magic carpet (exterior from a body), on a bus  
and on a trolley.  The trolleys were very enjoyable inasmuch as I  
could more fully experience them since they were only a small and  
vague part of my earlier life.  Trolleys were soon replaced by  
streetcars in this life time's early years.  The San Francisco cable  
cars are very similar to trolleys in my early childhood.

I was putting up more of the old scene and being aware of other  
locations and events during the time of that old scene, more than I  
did even being at and in that time.  Talk about time travel!  Talk  
about being able 'to Know'!  One of those 'Holy Shit' moments.  It  
was very enjoyable as well as very interesting.  Needless to say it  
was very expanding.  I had a lot of curiosity about those trolleys  
from long ago and with TROM, I was able to satisfy that curiosity by  
more fully experiencing those trolleys.

At first it frightened and bewildered me but I did it a second and  
third time and then it just flowed evenly and smoothly as I simply  
took the trip.  Went where I wanted and saw what I pleased.
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