The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Maybe I'm being generous.  That is up to you to decide.

What I know is that Ron did get some things right.  As far as a  
Bridge out, I believe he went off the rails from the beginning with  
Dianetics.  It does work for what it does, de-stimulate engrams.  As  
far as using that as a way out, I think it is very lacking.  And this  
idea of mine goes all the way through the OT Levels.

My thinking is that only specific incidents are addressed.  Whether  
one has those incidents or not is a major question.  What I see is  
that with Scn Auditing, one becomes very dependent on having those  
incidents and no others.  I don't see that everyone does have the  
same package of incidents.  After all, each of us is quite creative  
unto ourselves.

TROM simply provides one with the tools necessary to eliminate ones  
re-stimulative incidents from the past, present and the future. TROM  
is 'one size fits all'.

Another thing is that Ron never really solved GPMS.  GPMS are an  
automaticity that occurs in this Universe, MEST and maybe many  
others.  When one thinks of a goal (considers before the postulate),  
one automatically looks at what one has to do to handle and achieve  
one's goal.  Well guess what ....  one has just considered the game  
with all its positive and negative considerations/postulates and  
their complementary considerations/postulates and now has the  
complete games package that TROM handles.  Scn does not.

You want to have a goal, you want to have a purpose?  Well everything  
in the MEST Universe has its polar opposite, that's automatic and now  
you have a game.  Will you be the effect of that games package or  
not?  Unless you know games like Dennis instructs, I don't see how  
you will not be.  After all you are playing a game.

So it looks to me like one needs TROM Tech to play the game without  
going the effect and spiraling in to a crash.  One cannot play the  
game while not playing the game.  One has to be able to not be the  
effect, not be overwhelmed and also be an 'expert' about games and  
how to play the games.

Thank you, Dennis

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