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Hi Robert,                  Nov. 1/'11              Aarre

Per our conversation, here is a viewpoint.   The way it seems to me, if we
turn off games, we succeed in turning off the mind, and one's case as an
automatic result of that.  Case is just a symptom of games play (postulate
versus counterpostulate).

Your friend,  Aarre

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 10:53 PM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com>wrote:

> *************
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> Maybe I'm being generous.  That is up to you to decide.
> What I know is that Ron did get some things right.  As far as a
> Bridge out, I believe he went off the rails from the beginning with
> Dianetics.  It does work for what it does, de-stimulate engrams.  As
> far as using that as a way out, I think it is very lacking.  And this
> idea of mine goes all the way through the OT Levels.
> My thinking is that only specific incidents are addressed.  Whether
> one has those incidents or not is a major question.  What I see is
> that with Scn Auditing, one becomes very dependent on having those
> incidents and no others.  I don't see that everyone does have the
> same package of incidents.  After all, each of us is quite creative
> unto ourselves.
> TROM simply provides one with the tools necessary to eliminate ones
> re-stimulative incidents from the past, present and the future. TROM
> is 'one size fits all'.
> Another thing is that Ron never really solved GPMS.  GPMS are an
> automaticity that occurs in this Universe, MEST and maybe many
> others.  When one thinks of a goal (considers before the postulate),
> one automatically looks at what one has to do to handle and achieve
> one's goal.  Well guess what ....  one has just considered the game
> with all its positive and negative considerations/postulates and
> their complementary considerations/postulates and now has the
> complete games package that TROM handles.  Scn does not.
> You want to have a goal, you want to have a purpose?  Well everything
> in the MEST Universe has its polar opposite, that's automatic and now
> you have a game.  Will you be the effect of that games package or
> not?  Unless you know games like Dennis instructs, I don't see how
> you will not be.  After all you are playing a game.
> So it looks to me like one needs TROM Tech to play the game without
> going the effect and spiraling in to a crash.  One cannot play the
> game while not playing the game.  One has to be able to not be the
> effect, not be overwhelmed and also be an 'expert' about games and
> how to play the games.
> Thank you, Dennis
> Paul
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