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I believe I have finished the 1st step, 1A and can go on to 1B.

Once again I have to say that the in depth work that I did on Level 4 continues to show up on Level 5. I have not pulled up any specific scenes to TimeBreak. What is happening is that I am addressing the conundrum of how does one live in a universe that is a composite of everyone's contribution. The two choices are to live solely in one's own which makes you King or God, both are the same under the circumstances. Or how does one live in a composite universe where there is a common reality and be cause. Yes one can be cause of their own universe with the problem being how does one do that in a common universe.

Pan-determined postulates vs. self-determined postulates, that is the question. They are two separate items. What I found was the key is to realize that in this game, one does not have to be overwhelmed at all. In fact one never is, as a Thetan. That's how the game is really being played with the being, the beingness, the identity, the body just being a piece.

Therein lies the secret to Nirvana, not being in a games condition. Therefore not reacting but choosing. Not being automatic but acting by choice. Definitely by thoroughly going over overwhelms in Level 4 and finding freedom from such, heavily applies to Level 5.

I'm not going for this particular adventure as yet but I wonder what would really happen if I were to have to confront a spear in the gut like Dennis says. I just may run that somewhere in Level 5. Then to I may run being dismembered or guillotined. Might as well do it in session rather than wind up having to do it in life, huh.

Very interesting Level, that 5 is. I am clearing up some major paradoxes/conundrums of life and how to live it for myself, by myself, just for myself, sans overwhelms.
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