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Hi David
Have you tried reading the kindle version? I would be really pleased if it 
helped you understand and apply TROM.


On Feb 3, 2013, at 11:43 AM, David Pelly <david.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *************
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> Pete,
> Thank you for the explanation.
> But distinguishing whose words are whose in an editing, is basic literary 
> integrity or editing integrity. 
> And just because Greg and Judith did not do it,  does not mean it is the 
> right thing to do.
> Three wrongs do not make a right.
> You should also include an explanation that TROM went through  two previous 
> edits prior to yours, and that you  have no idea of whose words are whose, if 
> you in deed don't. 
> One editing  by Greg  and another by  Judith.
>  (But it just occurred to me to ask: are there not tapes  for the record?)
> At least Judith, that I know of, became totally pissed off and disdainful of 
> TROM  and gave up. 
>  That likely gives some indication as to the difficulty of her case and TROMs 
> inability to help her with her  case. 
> Similar to my situation. 
>  It is possible that if she would of been helped by TROM,  she might of  
> acquired some extra free theta units and  did more work and did the editing 
> properly.
> It is difficult  to think of much  when the biggest issue is the size and 
> severity of one's case  and the desperate need to deal with it.  It is a 
> simple  matter of priority. 
> Like it has been said, when you are up to your ass in alligators it is hard 
> to think that the main goal is to drain the swamp.
> A person has to come up the tone scale and theta scale to think and function 
> with full integrity.
>   In this case it is literary integrity or editing integrity.
> I suspect that Greg also became disdainful too.
> I know a number of others who did  likewise.
> David 
> On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Pete Mclaughlin 
> <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> *************
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>> Hi David
>> Whose words are whose? An excellent question.
>> In 1979 Denis gave his notes to Greg Pickering to write TROM. Those notes do 
>> not exist to check how accurately Greg did the job.
>> Many people complained that the book was hard to understand and needed an 
>> index.
>> Greg quit as the distributor of TROM around 1990 so Dennis turned over 
>> Australian distribution to Judith Anderson. 
>> Judith responded to concerns about spelling and grammar errors in TROM by 
>> editing the text, adding her own interpretation of how to run TROM to the 
>> end of the Manual as an appendix and who knows what else as no editing notes 
>> were made and the original 1979 is gone or at least I have never seen a copy.
>> The TROM manual at the Freezone site is the one I started with and is the 
>> Judith Anderson edition.
>> So if anyone is serious about getting the original version and verifying 
>> that none of the tech has been lost you need to contact Greg and get Dennis' 
>> notes or at least a copy of Greg's original 1979 version of the manual.
>> Thanks for asking David, everyone should be aware of what version of TROM 
>> they are studying.
>> Sincerely
>> Pete
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:19 PM, David Pelly <david.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> *************
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>>> The right thing to do is to do like Aarre said.
>>> There has to be  some sort of  a distinction in whose words are whose.
>>> David 
>>> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
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>>>> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Pete,
>>>>> I still think that a short editing note won't be that much distraction, 
>>>>> and is worth it.  Or you could change the font each time you put in an 
>>>>> inclusion.  With a reality factor in the beginning explaining the font 
>>>>> change,  that wouldn't be too distracting.
>>>>> What do the others think about this ?
>>>>> Aarre Peltomaa
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Pete Mclaughlin 
>>>>> <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Aarre and Roberto
>>>>>> All you need to do to see the changes is open up the kindle version in 
>>>>>> one window and open up the old version in a second window and read them.
>>>>>> Part of my purpose in doing the editing was to eliminate all the 
>>>>>> distractions that the bad grammar imposed on the reader. It would be 
>>>>>> counter productive to now add in the distractions of editing notes.
>>>>>> Sincerely
>>>>>> Pete
>>>>>> On Jan 31, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi Pete,
>>>>>> > I finally got Kindle working and downloaded the manual and your 
>>>>>> > additions to my desktop;  wonderful !     The fonts and bolded parts 
>>>>>> > are easy to read,  and large enough type size.  It is arranged very 
>>>>>> > nicely.   The only thing that I can ask at cursory glance is that any 
>>>>>> > additions that you put in, such as the charts,  be marked as added by 
>>>>>> > you,  and not in the original manual.  This way a person will know 
>>>>>> > what was written by Dennis, and what was written by you.   This 
>>>>>> > annotation should also apply to any additional sections,  chapters, 
>>>>>> > explanations, etc., that you have added.  I think this is a very 
>>>>>> > important point,  and I welcome input from other TROMers about this.
>>>>>> > Thanks very much for this work,
>>>>>> > Aarre Peltomaa
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