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On Feb 6, 2013, at 4:00 AM, trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org wrote:

Paul - You say, "It has been a while since you last posted here on TROM. I find your posts enjoyable, worthwhile and thought provoking/stimulating. Where else do you post?"

Thank you Paul. I enjoyed your well-considered and enlightening reply to Leonard Dunn's post.

And thank you back.

To answer your question - I have a rather large family and keep up to date on the doings of grandchildren on FaceBook. I ignore most if not all Scientology posts. Colleen has started a TROM page on facebook - which hasn't taken off yet.

I have 6 grandchildren myself and live with my daughter and her family of one son. I get approximately 1000 emails a week. I am a member of several political groups including Occupy Modesto of which I chair the foreclosure group. I also get all Razzline and Scn emails and always scour them for good LRH quotes, keeping a tab on things going on there and good articles once in a while. I refuse to be a Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin member. Last time I Googled my name, I had 14 individual pages chuck full of links about who I am. I don't need any more exposure.

I think TROM's simplicity confounds the reality of complex individuals. lol I lurk on OOBE forums. I have found that those who are interested and who have experienced "out of body" tend to be very considerate and accepting of others realities.

I have read Tom Campbell's My Big TOE and scientifically agree that the physical universe is virtual. I was also on his blog for a while. I have done OOBE and know of a very good manual that one can use to get there. I have found that applying this ability still is hampered and frought by one's un-handled case along with the everyday run of the mill workings of one's mind, engrams or not. I am open to any discussions and data.

I consider that the level of one's enlightenment is a huge factor in the level of truth and reality that one can grasp. I also do insightful meditation which I see as a confronting the mind in it's complete entirety. One really needs to know what that is all about, charge or no charge. We all have that facility and how it is created and employed can be of major benefit or life being lived in hell.

I am also currently reading thru Ken Ogger's (The Pilot) writings and practicing his processes at the moment. It is all a matter of experience and honing one's skills and applications of abilities. Also bringing new one's to bare. I have done some never envisioned, mentioned or talked about.

I would enjoy discussing any of this as you desire. Where are you located, by the way? I am in Modesto, California. About 60 miles east of San Francisco.

You also say, "I also want to point out that doing Level 4 to where one can no longer see any more charge to run off by TimeBreaking is not a point of completion without having achieved 'Freedom from Overwhelm'. Without this 'Freedom', there still remains the seed to succumb."

That is so true Paul. Every now and again, I find within myself, "charge" occasioned by some or other emotional viewpoint or harmful act and then I reconcile myself with: Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

Very well put. (I hope that means addressing your own stupidity when it applies. No need to respond or go into any depth on this. LOL)

TROM, for myself, is the only method I have found in which I can engage or disengage from games at will.

That is probably true in general for me too. Simple TimeBreaking is quite sufficient. (Dennis' greatest contribution) I don't see that it is necessary to go thru a complete Postulate Failure Chart. I think one gets a little smarter as well as one does not typically install all 8 possible complementary postulates packages automatically and unconsciously if one is no longer into playing games or stuck in games conditions.


Paul, Level 5 in progress

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