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Didn't know Ron had an IPad. ;-) 

On Fri, Feb 7, 2014, at 10:31 AM, Pete Mclaughlin wrote:
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> Hi all
> Dennis gives details about the E-Meter needle movements but doesn't say
> much about high or low Tone Arm readings.  Here is the LRH view.
> Keep on TROMing
> Pete
> Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
> HCO Secs
> Assn Secs
> Mission Holders
> During the past three months I have made several important discoveries in
> the field of the human mind which iron out the bits and pieces that were
> getting in our road in making broad clearing programmes possible.
> First of these was the discovery that the tone arm of the E-Meter rather
> than the needle was foremost in analyzing the case. When the tone arm
> reads at three for males and two for females on the modern meter a
> process can be considered flat. 
> Aside from various special states such as valence shifts, this will hold
> true. When the tone arm reads at clear for the person’s sex no matter
> what one attempts to restimulate on the case you have a Clear. 
> Additionally the hot areas of the time track are located because they
> throw the tone arm to higher or lower readings. 
> Good auditing today cannot be done without an E-Meter of good reliable
> quality as distributed by HCO WW in the UK and by Wingate Enterprises in
> the United States. It could be said that the E-Meter has just now become
> an absolute necessity in auditing and general analysis—using the E-Meter
> RIGHT we can achieve Clears.
> Next, but not next in importance was the discovery of the anatomy of
> RESPONSIBILITY. Although Responsibility has been known as a case factor
> since 1951 (just as the overt-motivator sequence has been) it has not
> been until now that I have been able to get it to run well on cases.
> Responsibility is a significance. Pcs define it in various ways. And all
> rather tend to run from it. 
> Pcs in general pretend they would much rather be victims than causative
> sources—which is what is wrong with their cases. 
> In order to get responsibility to run I had to find out a lot more about
> it and not until the very end of 1959 was I able to define it in any way
> that made it run and come into being on a case.
> Now I mentioned the E-Meter first in this because it is
> RESPONSIBILITY—LEVEL OF which causes the tone arm of the E-Meter to
> fluctuate. 
> Place the pc in an area which has a very high tone arm reading or a very
> low one and you find the pc in an area in time when he was being very
> irresponsible.
> It is not always true that a pc picked up as reading at the Clear reading
> of his sex is high on responsibility. There is an inversion of the matter
> where the pc is so very low on responsibility that he just gets a body
> reading for his sex and that is that. 
> The test of this is the running of Responsibility, as given in this
> bulletin. 
> If the pc, run on Responsibility, changes the position of the tone arm
> from the Clear reading then that pc has a very long way to go perhaps
> before he can achieve any responsibility. 
> If a pc is run on responsibility as given herein, if his track is
> explored, and if the tone arm reads and continues to read at Clear then
> he is very responsible and very Clear. But you would have to run the pc a
> bit not just read him on the meter in order to get an accurate view of
> the matter. 
> In other words, don’t look for overts to check out on a case. Look for
> tone arm fluctuations when responsibility is run. It takes at least a
> certain level of responsibility to show up overt acts on E-Meter.
> What exactly does the E-Meter read? 
> It reads the degree of mental mass surrounding the thetan in a body.
> A thetan accumulates mental mass, pictures, ridges, circuits, etc, to the
> degree that he misassigns responsibility. If he does something and then
> says that it was done by something or someone else then he has failed to
> assign cause rightly and, doing so, he is of course left with an
> apparently uncaused mental mass. 
> This to us is the “bank”. To Freud it was the “unconscious”. To the
> psychiatrist it is lunacy. He therefore has as much bank as he has denied
> cause. As he is the only cause that could hang himself with a mass, the
> only misassigned cause therefore is self cause. 
> Other people’s causation is not aberrative and does not hang up except to
> the degree that the pc is provoked to misassigning cause. Other people’s
> cause is therefore never audited.
> Here then we have the anatomy of the reactive mind. The common
> denominator of all these unwanted ridges, masses, pictures, engrams, etc,
> The discovery of the direct anatomy of RESPONSIBILITY is as follows:
> Able to admit causation.
> Able to withhold from.
> This you will recognize as old reach and withdraw and as the fundamental
> of every successful process. But now we can refine this into the exact
> process that accomplishes a removal of the reactive mind and
> reestablishment of causation and responsibility.
> A thetan will not restore his own ability until he is certain he can
> withhold from things. When he finds he cannot then he reduces his own
> power. He will not let himself be more powerful than he believes he can
> use power. When he gets mad he of course can control nothing, neither can
> he really direct anything. When he causes something that he thinks is
> bad, he next seeks to withhold. If he cannot withhold then he begins to
> compulsively cause things that are bad and you have overt acts happening.
> What we call responsibility is restored on any subject or in any case by
> selecting a terminal (not a significance) and running on it:
> Overt acts proceed from irresponsibility. Therefore when responsibility
> declines, overt acts can occur. When responsibility declines to zero then
> a person doing overt acts no longer conceives them to be overt acts and
> overts and withholds on such a case. 
> Thus some criminals would not register on overts at all even though they
> had the loot in their pockets! And it is often necessary on any case to
> run Cause/Withhold on present life terminals as given above before the
> person can conceive of having committed any overts against those
> terminals.
> THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: No case will run well and many cases will not run
> at all with present life overts and withholds undisclosed and
> unflattened. 
> These overts and withholds may not even come into view UNTIL THE VERSION
> Choose any area where the pc conceives himself to be a victim. Select a
> terminal to represent that area that falls on an E-Meter. Run
> cause/withhold as given herein on that terminal and watch the overts pop
> into view. It is not necessary to handle these overts when they come up
> with any other process than Cause/Withhold since Cause/Withhold given
> here is Responsibility.
> There are other factors on cases that need handling but these are all
> handled with Responsibility processes. If all the factors involved in a
> case are well handled as given herein you will have a Theta Clear who
> will be able to do a lot of things humans can’t do. And if you handled a
> case totally with this material and its specialized skills then you would
> have an Operating Thetan. 
> Fortunately for this universe no thetan will let himself go free unless
> he can operate without danger to others and the responsibility factor is
> way up on all dynamics.
> This material is covered in tape lectures from the Washington January
> Congress 1960 (nine hours) and in the HCS Course lectures, Washington,
> January 1960 (nine hours). 
> The Congress, which was very warmly received in Washington, is being
> replayed in many areas by public demand and the HCS Course is being given
> as the HCS/BScn Course in all Central Organizations.
> This is the major breakthrough we are starting the 1960s with. We are
> counting on HGCs turning out Theta Clears at regular intervals and we are
> working to get all staffs of Central Organizations through to Theta Clear
> on staff clearing courses.
> This material is also being used on PE Courses which now should run as
> follows: One week PE Course with TR demonstrations, this free. 
> People pass from this course directly into co-Audit (no Comm Course) at a
> fee, on the following process: 
> “What could you admit causing a person?” 
> “What could you withhold from a person?”
>  Terminals other than “person” may be selected by the Co-Audit
>  Instructor. A full intensive given by HGCs on the basis of OT-3
>  Procedure is sufficiently in advance of this to make individual auditing
>  necessary in most cases. OT-3 has been released to all Central Orgs who
>  have the Washington HCS tapes. 
> The CCHs are used on cases incapable of defining terms.
> In view of this material and what is now known of responsibility and
> overts and what they do to case level, a new kind of justice comes into
> being, making it completely unnecessary to punish. 
> You can know a person by his case level. Does it advance or doesn’t it?
> Does he elect others ogres when he himself has been doing things or does
> he show Scientology in himself?
> This is a brand new look and it can be made a brand new earth. We started
> the 1960s the right way as I think you will discover.
> Founder
> Sent from my iPad
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