On Thu, 8 Aug 2002 09:13:50 -0400 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Blaine wrote:
> > I think children can go right in, no problem.  Those
> > who have learned the difference between right and
> > wrong and are therefore accountable for their sins
> > need to enter in at the gate, so to speak, which is
> > Baptism.
> There is a gaping hole in your logic here.  If children can go right 
> in,
> then the statement that you claim Jesus made, that unless a man is 
> born of
> water (baptism) and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God, 
> is false.
> What other exceptions are there to this statement of Jesus?
> My position is that children cannot go right into the Kingdom of 
> God, unless
> they are born again.

Blainer)  As John indicated, and Jesus confirmed, HE (Jesus) had no need
of Baptism.  He was totally sinless.  Children are equally sinless, are
they not?  So, there is no problem with that logic, I would say.  They
may enter without baptism,  just as Jesus could have done if he had not
chosen to set the example for the rest of us--excluding innocents--to
follow.  I should have made that clear, but assumed the logic was
inherant in the record of his baptism.  (If thus and thus is true, then
this  must also be true) .
> Blainer wrote:
> > Baptism is the entering into a covenant relationship with God,
> > with Jesus Christ being the mediator.
> But you just said that children can enter into this convenant 
> relationship
> without baptism.  If children can enter into this covenant 
> relationship
> without baptism, then baptism is not necessary to enter the Kingdom 
> of God.
Blainer)  Baptism applies to all except to innocents--even the animals
have no need for baptism.  Baptism is for the remission of sins.  Without
sin, there is no need for baptism.  
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
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