Tell me James, what country do you live in?  What is your denominational background?  Who have you fought with religiously in your life?  I am trying to figure out where you are coming from?

I pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus! I never felt led to pray to the Holy Spirit. To say Dear Holy Spirit, seems all wrong, yet in worshipping and praising our God, we can surely say blessed Holy Spirit and acknowledge the wonderful works of God wrought by the Holy Spirit. I don’t like the word Trinity either, and I question its absolute accuracy. Do we believe in three equal persons? After all Jesus, the creator, said the Father was greater, but He also said “I and the Father are one. The Trinity is man’s definition of Godhead. Can man define our Infinite Godhead? No one can claim that the Westminster Confession has the same level of inspiration as the Scriptures. James Templeton

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