Glenn wrote:
> I use the word Trinity because it is a
> perfectly good Biblical word.

The word "Trinity" is NOT a Biblical word.  Accepting the idea of a Trinity
might be Biblical in that it is consonant with the Bible, but the word
"Trinity" itself is not found in the Bible; therefore, it is not a Biblical

Glenn wrote:
> Godhead and Trinity are the same to me.

DAVEH wrote:
> Then why use a word that is not Biblical? Simply
> change your above comment from......
> "Christians believe Jesus is God's son, second
> person of the Trinity."
> "Christians believe Jesus is God's son, second
> person of the Godhead."
> ..........and I'll agree with your statement.

Glenn wrote:
> JUST SAY THAT?  I do not get straight answers out of
> a Mormons.

Glenn, no offense intended, but your interaction here is so blatantly biased
and false, how can you expect any of us to take you seriously?  I'm on your
side concerning the subject of Mormons being deceived, but the way you argue
here is embarrassing to us, your colleagues.  DaveH just got done saying
that he would agree with you if "Godhead" and "Trinity" meant the same
thing, and you turn around with your spin and say, "then your answer is no."
You should have said, "then your answer is yes."  It's like you just have to
find a way to disagree no matter what.

Remember back when I explained my understanding of the Trinity to Jeff, and
Jeff said that if what I explained as the Trinity was true, then he believed
in the Trinity?  How about us coming to a mutual understanding in this way?
Personally, I would like to drop the label "Trinity" and use Biblical
language like "Godhead."  I wish we also could drop our designations of
"Mormon" and "Protestant."  Let's discuss truth together without bigotry and
hatred over what group someone belongs to.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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