Blainer wrote:
> You make this sound so absolute!!   In
> actuality,  the papyrus you refer to was
> only a fragment--not the entire papyrus.

Actually, not *A* fragment, but rather a total of twelve fragments if we
include one fragment from Joseph Smith's Alphabet and Grammar material.
Scholars have determined that they represent about one-third of the entire
papyrus collection once owned by Joseph Smith.  The eleven fragments
discovered in 1966 are glued down onto stiff backing paper.  On the reverse
side of the backing paper are architectural drawings of a temple and maps of
the Kirtland, Ohio area.  The original Facimile No. 1 drawing is clearly
present.  Some parts of the facsimile are missing, but there are penciled
reconstructions on the backing paper that match exactly the reconstructed
picture that Joseph Smith published with the Book of Abraham.  Scholars have
now shown Smith's reconstructions to be inaccurate, based upon comparison
with numerous other similar funerary documents with the same picture intact.
Although the book of Joseph was never translated, descriptions from Oliver
Cowdery show that the fragments also contain what Joseph Smith had
identified as the Book of Joseph.  What are called The Book of Abraham and
the Book of Joseph are considered by scientific scholars to be sections from
3 funeral texts:  1) Book of Breathings for the priest Hor, son of the
priest Osorwer and the lady Tikhebyt, 2) Book of the Dead belonging to the
lady Amon-Re Neferirnub, 3) Book of the Dead for the deceased Tshenmin,
daughter of Nes-Khensu.

Blainer wrote:
> I would have nothing against reading it it if
> 1) I could get it free of charge, and
> 2),  I had time to read it.  (:>)

Blaine, I can help with the first requirement, but I don't know what I could
do about the second.  If you can assure me that you will read every word, I
will have the book sent to you without charge.  I extend the same offer to
Dave H.

The book is only 240 pages, much of which contain pictures and facsimiles of
letters, so it is not a long book at all.  With this book, you will have in
color a facsimile of the entire Book of Abraham papyrus that now exists,
shown at 78% actual size,  plus the untranslated Book of Joseph Papyrus,
shown at 55% actual size.  That alone ought to be worth something to you.

I do not know how any intelligent person reading this book can continue to
believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet.  I'm serious.  This book presents
the smoking gun in the case of Joseph Smith, seer and translator of the

I will keep an open mind to hear your objections.  I encourage you to
consult with whatever Mormon leaders you desire when you read the book.  All
I ask is that you also keep an open mind and weigh the evidence, and I would
hope that you would share whatever rebuttals you are given with us.  If you
approach this subject willing to hear both sides, and I approach this
subject with the same mind, I believe learning and illumination will take

So, are you and DaveH willing to make time to read this book?  If so, each
of you should e-mail to me the address to which you want the book sent.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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