Glenn wrote:
> Ok, DavidM, you can now see what I am talking
> about.  NO way, are Mormons going to study
> anything factual.

I admit it is very disappointing that he will not read this book.
Nevertheless, if DaveH is here only to learn about non-Mormon faith in
Christ, I am perfectly willing to oblige him about that.  This does deal a
huge blow to their credibility, and, unfortunately, they do not seem to
recognize this.

Orthodox Christianity is based deeply in history and facts.  My faith is
based upon facts and veracious statements, not the imagination of men.  At
least DaveH can learn that this is why we believe Jesus Christ but not
Joseph Smith.  Jesus warned us about false Christs and false apostles and
false prophets.  Joe Smith was clearly one of these.

For those Christians interested in the smoking gun, or to put it another
way, Joseph Smith caught with his had in the cookie jar, you ought to look
into this Book of Abraham material.  Everyone basically agrees with the
facts, that the manuscripts which Joseph Smith used to create the Book of
Mormon, and which he claimed to be written by Abraham's own hand, and
another book which he said was the Book of Joseph, have now been understood
by numerous independent Egyptologists to have nothing to do with Abraham or
Joseph.  They represent prayers to pagan Egyptian gods and instructions for
how to perform the proper ritual in burying the dead.  Joseph Smith didn't
even get the age of these documents right.  Numerous theories have been
posited to explain how this happened, but the Mormon church has taken no
official position on the matter.  Also, according to Mormon theology, the
Seer of their church has invested in him the same Divine power to translate
ancient languages that Joseph Smith had, but none of them have attempted to
translate the rest of the Book of Abraham or any of the Book of Joseph.

I've spent the last few years reading and investigating Mormonism with an
open and curious mind, and while I have had problems with Joseph Smith's
documented arrest and conviction of fraud in between the time of his first
vision and second vision, and while there are numerous other problems in the
Book of Mormon, the Doctrine & Covenants, and the witnesses credibility for
what they claimed to have seen, this book of Abraham is the most clear and
direct evidence ever that Joseph Smith was a liar and a fraud.  No sane,
intelligent person who believes in the methods of science, of observing
physical evidence and drawing conclusions from such observations, can
possibly vindicate Joseph Smith in this matter of the Book of Abraham.
Numerous high ranking Mormons who have examined this evidence have been
convinced.  Thousands continue within Mormonism knowing that Joseph Smith
was a fraud, and thousands of others have left Mormonism when examining this

Following are some quotes from private letters written by Tom Ferguson, a
stalwart defender of the Mormon faith, who established the New World
Archaeological Foundation at Brigham Young University.  Ferguson received
substantial grants from the LDS Church to show archaeology supports the Book
of Mormon.  Instead, he discovered that there was no archaeology to find.
Notice how he believed in staying with Mormonism, despite knowing that
Joseph Smith was a fraud, and he did so unto his death.

March 13, 1971
Dear Jim,
... My views are not for publication or spreading abroad.  I am like you --
maintaining membership because of the many fine things the Church offers.
But facts speak for themselves.  I offered the data available to my Stake
Pres. recently and he walked away without it -- saying he didn't want to
read it.  They can hardly excommunicate us when they won't look at the
evidence. ...

February 9, 1976
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence,
... People must believe in something.  ... Mormonism is probably the best
conceived myth-fraternity to which one can belong. .. Joseph Smith tried so
hard he put himself out on a limb with the Book of Abraham and also with the
Book of Mormon.  He can be refuted -- but why bother when all religion is
based on myth, and when we must have them, and his is one of the very best.
It would be like wiping out placebos in medicine, and that would make no
sense when they do lots of good.  ...  Why not say the right things and keep
your membership in the great fraternity, enjoying the good things you like
and discarding the ones you can't swallow (and keeping your mouths shut)?
Hypocritical?  Maybe.  But perhaps a realistic way of dealing with a very
difficult problem.  There is lots left in the Church to enjoy -- and
thousands of members have done, and are doing, what I suggest you consider
doing.  Silence is golden -- etc.  Precious few believers will you change --
no matter how the evidence mounts.  They believe because they want to
believe -- and don't want to face the chasm of death and extinction etc.
etc.  ... Perhaps you and I have been spoofed by Joseph Smith.  Now that we
have the inside dope -- why not spoof a little back and stay aboard?  Please
consider this letter confidential -- for obvious reasons.  I want to stay
aboard the good ship, Mormonism -- for various reasons that I think valid.
... Belonging, with my eyes wide open is actually fun, less expensive than
formerly, and no strain at all.

February 20, 1976
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence,
Herewith is a copy of my recent (1975) paper on Book of Mormon matters.  ...
The real implication of the paper is that you can't set the Book of Mormon
down anywhere -- because it is fictional and will never meet the
requirements of dirt archeology.  I should say -- what is in the ground will
never conform to what is in the book.  Best wishes in handling your
difficult problem.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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