Blainer)  That's about where I am at.  I already know about Mormonism. 
The best I can say about your book is that it will go down with all the
rest of the weapons raised up against Mormonism. (:>) 
The following is of pertinance here.  This is a revelation given
independantly of Joseph Smith to a man named Solomon Chamberlain 
(June-July 1829, in Palmyra, New York).  He received an angelic visit
shortly before miraculously coming into contact with the leaders of the
Early LDS Church.  He had a pamphlet printed, part of which read:  ".  . 
. the angel had made known to me in the vision, that all churches and
denominations on the earth had become corrupt, and no church of God (was)
on the earth, but that He (God) would shortly raise up a church that
would never be confounded nor brought down .  .  .  "

On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 21:19:57 -0800 Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David Miller wrote:
> > What about you, DaveH?  Will you take me up on this offer?
> DAVEH:  As I've explained before, I am not in TT to learn about 
> Mormonism.  (There are many other forums I can join to learn such, 
> if I should desire to do so.)  My interest here is to learn about 
> Protestantism......what they believe, and why. 
> Nevertheless, if you have some specific points of LDS doctrine you 
> wish to discuss, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.
> > Will any Mormon
> > be willing to talk about Joseph Smith's involvment with the Book 
> of Abraham?
> >
> > Peace be with you.
> > David Miller.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dave Hansen
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ----------
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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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