Izzy, you just don't get it.  The doctrine of origins is EXACTLY what Marlin is teaching.  It is nothing new.  I put a name on it as it is called in theological circles.  FURTHERMORE, MARLIN IS NOT JUST SAYING CHRISTMAS IS UNSCRIPTURAL FOR HIM. He is saying it is a sin for me to celebrate Christmas.  This is flat out false doctrine.

The burden of proof is on Marlin to prove Christmas wrong.  My oh my he used the old argument of Old Testament tree worship.  No way has this anything to do with Christmas.

The answer to your last paragraph is pious arrogance is disgusting.

I am not going to respond to this anymore.  This stuff is old ancient stuff I settled in my mine 30 years ago.  Nothing new here.  Good bye.

PS You're just as rude as me.  If you consider me rude, then you have condemned yourself for being rude too.  "What you sow you reap."


You are the one bringing up "doctrine of origins", (which by the way is not in the Bible); Marlin never did. This is theology terminology psychobabble that certain people like to use to confuse the issue when they can't come up with scripture to defend their point of view. You are the one not speaking plainly.

Marlin just said he does not think Christmas is scriptural, and YOU are the one attacking HIM. How can you accuse him of "biting and devouring" you???? YOU are the one having an absolute snit!

If you don't like Marlin's opinion, the burden of proof is on YOU to provide scripture to substantiate your point. You can't do this, obviously, so instead you have attacked Marlin. If you were right you would not have to scream and yell at Marlin. You would let scripture speak for itself.

Furthermore, Marlin has never "implied" that you are not "spiritual", but you have gone and "implied" that by your own contentiousness. Why don't you try to reason with him without berating him? You are giving me a big headache.

Also, why do you get so upset everytime you perceive that someone is "implying" that they are more perfect or more spiritual than you are? Is this not possible? Why would that not make you happy for them, instead of envious, jealous, or angry? David Miller says he does not sin, and this makes me very happy for him! Marlin has obeyed the Lord's leading in his own life as to how and when he should worship, and that makes me very happy for him!  If you care to debate that, you should not do it rudely--you just might be insulting the One who led him to do it.


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