Marlin, you brought it on yourself.  I just responded to the Holy Spirit inside of me.  You NEVER attempted to REFUTE ONE THING I HAVE SAID.  So there's no carrying on a conservation with you. 
I attended a 7th Day Adventists prophecy workshop.  It was the worse thing I ever attended. Tried to sneak in the doctrine that the 7th Day Adventist Church was the one and only true church.  Is 7th Day Adventist a cult?  Some Christians say it is, some say it is not. 

YES, it does make a difference if you sell Christmas greenery.  IF you do and you don't believe in Christmas, that would make you a hypocrite.  I think you should reconsider your position on Christmas and start selling Christmas greenery.  It should be a huge financial success.  I'm bowing out and let you post with Izzy and David. 

I think you are the one with the contentious spirit with those snide false doctrine links.  What you sow you reap.  How a man of God speaks to others often depends upon how worthy the receivers are to receive.  1 Cor. 4:21.

Again, I am bowing out.  I don't want you to leave TT.  I think you will enjoy talking to Izzy and DavidM much more.  God's best to you.   Love in Christ,
Galatians 5:1

To Whom It May Concern: 

We do not sell Christmas products. 

Not that it should make any difference, we fellowship regularly with some wonderful and loving Seventh Day Adventists, and attend independent Bible studies with many of the same people.  We do not subscribe to all of their ideas, but we share the love of God together without the attack spirit that many of you seem to enjoy.

Jumping to conclusions is not wise.

I could be equally content fellowshipping with the Lord alone, and would prefer this to fellowshipping with those of a contentious spirit.



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