This is two different things.  The Mormon elder young child boys in Roanoke are rude and hateful.  But that is another matter. 

My home is not/was not a public square.  However, they have the right to preach out in the street as long as they don't stop the children from getting on the bus for school, etc,.  In fact, why don't you make a call to the local Mormons and have them carry signs against my wife's ministry outside my house.  QUITE FRANKLY, I would love it.

There is a right of way in my personal property and probably most everyone's property.  American Electric Power came onto the side of my property and just about destroyed a beautiful maple tree claiming it was too close to the power lines.  Cut a huge hole out of it WITHOUT PERMISSION.  Destroyed 30 years of beauty; WITHOUT PERMISSION.  Even private property rights are limited in favor of big money.

DAVEH: Glenn, are you suggesting that to avoid being a "hypocrite" yourself, the next time the LDS Elders pay you a visit at your home, you will welcome them in to preach to you???

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