Hey, I'm not complaining.  I am just speaking out on the hypocrisy of Mormonism.  There is no freedom of thinking or speech with them.  This is their history to shut up opposition within and without. 

No, but my wife has been there.  She sang at a very large Evangelical Free Church in SLC.  I have mentioned this before, but many were saved.  More and more people in SLC are refusing to knuckle under to Mormonism.  It is getting easier every year to convert people to Christ in SLC I am told.

DAVEH:  Then what are you complaining about?  Why do you feel the need to allow anti-LDS folks to preach on LDS property?
The anti-free speech Mormon junk turns non-Mormons off.
I hope they continue this anti-free speech as it makes them look like hypocrites to sinners.  This helps Christians win sinners to Christ.

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