The very sacrafice of Jesus is founded in the law that He gave to Moses.  The law requires a penalty.  Jesus is the remedy for the penalty if we repent. --Marlin
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 5:03 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] "California Letter" Legalism and the Law
Michael D: Do you realize that the scriptures say that we are dead to the law? Therefore, the law can make no legitimate demands of us.

Well, duh!  I agree, if by that you mean that I cannot obtain my salvation through obeying the law (because I cannot die on the cross for my own sins!.). It still does not mean that we are free to violate the ten commandments, though, does it? Or do you go around murdering, lying, and committing adultery because you are under grace? Izzy


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