It seems to me that we are missing an important point, namely, that we need to consider what law we are free from.  There is the religeous law, and there is the moral law.  Jesus death on the cross freed us from religeous law.  We no longer need a priest as intercessor, because we are now our own priests.  The veil in the Holy of Holies has been rent, and nothing prevents us from going straight to God with our praises, our hopes, our repentance.  We no longer need to be circumsized, we no longer need offer a sacrifice when a child is born, we no longer need to tithe or keep any of the rituals associated with the old testament.  We are not free however from the moral law.  It is still a sin to murder, lie, steal, commit sexual sin, hate, and all the other things that hurt others and anger a Holy God.
Jesus gave Christians two commands.  Love God more than anything or anybody, and love others as yourself.  Do that, and you won't have to wonder about the big ten.
Just my two cents worth.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 10:03 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] "California Letter" Legalism and the Law



Michael D: Do you realize that the scriptures say that we are dead to the law? Therefore, the law can make no legitimate demands of us.

Well, duh!  I agree, if by that you mean that I cannot obtain my salvation through obeying the law (because I cannot die on the cross for my own sins!.). It still does not mean that we are free to violate the ten commandments, though, does it? Or do you go around murdering, lying, and committing adultery because you are under grace? Izzy


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