> DAVEH  wrote:
.....One of the TT Cowards:  Blaine (and DavidM)......This is 
> one thing I find unpalatable.  I have sent several books to a couple 
> of TTers at their request with no conditions.  With (perhaps) one 
> exception (He Walked The Americas) I only expect that
> they wanted them to use in arguments against me and my beliefs.  
> Even though it is akin to me handing the hangman the rope and 
> helping him tie the knot, I understand that and am not troubled by 
> it.  I have given the books freely and without any
> conditions.  Nor have I bugged anybody about how much they have read 
> them, or complained when they have used them negatively.
>     In return I am chastised for not accepting a book intended to be 
> detrimental to my beliefs when it is only offered IF I will promise 
> to read it.  Yes Blaine, like you I am not one who enjoys being 
> pushed into a corner.  If I find the book in my
> 'travels' someday, I will likely purchase it and peruse it at my 
> convenience as the Spirit directs.  I have a few such anti-Mormon 
> books and do not feel uncomfortable having them in my library.  But 
> I don't like having them stuffed down throat though. 
> This is one offer that seems like a one-way street.  If I accept the 
> book from DavidM and don't end up leaving the LDS Church, then all 
> 'hell' is going to reign down on my head.  Thanx, but no thanx.

****Blainer)  Exactly!!!  Perfect reflection of how I am feeling.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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