BlaineR  (Mr. NO-CREDIBILITY) You pulled the switcheroo!!   
 Below is my post that STARTED this "discussion" to begin with.  Note,
everyone, that Glenn thus far has failed to address the Mormon growth
rate.  He just wants to talk about the numbers.    GLENN, ARE YOU AFRAID
2001). This is the second time I have asked that, and so far--zilch for
an answer.  Please note the post that began this conversation:

> > Blainer)  Mormonism, or the religion of the Church of Jesus Christ 
> of
> > Latter-day Saints,  has succeeded to the tune of 11,000,000 + 
> current
> > members,  and with a current growth rate of 19.3 % is the fastest 
> growing
> > denomination in the United States and is currently the sixth 
> largest
> > denomination in the US.  This is not failure in any sense, but 
> begins to
> > fulfill revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith:  (Zion shall
flourish.  .  . etc)

On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 12:22:20 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Mr. No Credibility, has pulled another switch-a-rue.  We're not 
> talking about 
> growth rate.  We're talking about actual numbers.  Furthermore, I 
> can't 
> believe your growth rate as you have no credibility with me since 
> you lie 
> about Mormons being divided.  I am on a Ronald Reagan basis with 
> you.  "Trust 
> but verify."   Compared to Christianity and other world religions, 
> Mormons 
> don't even make up a percentage point.  
> > On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 08:20:34 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > > Refute what I said.  Compared to the other world religions and 
> even 
> > > Christianity there are almost no Mormons on earth.  Refute the >
> > figures.
> > 
> > Blainer)  The figures don't lie.  The rate of growth for the 
> Mormon
> > Church exceeds even the Moslems in the US.  Zion will flourish, 
> and the
> > Kingdom of God will be established by the Mormon Church.  It is 
> just a
> > matter of time.  Besides, you have said yourself numbers don't 
> matter. 
> > LOL   I agree.  
> > 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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