DAVEH:  I find your attitude interesting, Izzy.  If I don't do as you want, then you consider me a waste of time.  I suppose I could say the same thing to you, but I find your comments (such as the one below) to be very interesting indeed.  BTW......I purchased a copy of Larson's book last night at Deseret Industries.  Now before you get all excited, I'm not going to read it just to make you happy.  But one of these days (hopefully soon), I'm going to peruse it to my satisfaction.  But it is going to be hard to discuss it with you, since you consider my arguments to be " pointless, circular, endless, fruitless, and  blockheaded".    :-)

ShieldsFamily wrote:

The whole bunch of you. If you won’t read the Larson book, I have no desire to waste my time on your pointless, circular, endless, fruitless, blockheaded arguments. Izzy

ShieldsFamily wrote: 


DAVEH:  "BLAINER"?........Or were you referring to me, Izzy?

ShieldsFamily wrote: 

Whether LDS theology is right or wrong......many of those who practice it do it with great sincerity. I don’t doubt the sincerity of your LDS beliefs. I doubt the sincerity of your search for Truth
DAVEH:  Therein lies your problem, Izzy.  Despite me explaining my reasons for being here numerous times, I just don't understand why you don't believe me when I explain my motives.  Just what have I said that makes you think that I am on TT to "search for Truth"???  Is there anybody on TT that has heard me say such?
—especially when David M tells you he has proof of the fallacy of some of your scriptures and you refuse to read it. THAT proves you don’t want to know the truth if it conflicts with your current beliefs.
DAVEH:  Yawnnnnnnnnnnnn.  I grow weary explaining my motives.  And when I do, you don't believe me.  Izzy, I've got to ask you....Why do you think that I am on TT to "search for Truth"???
Let me ask you why you are on TT, Izzy?  Are you seeking truth and knowledge? I need a good laugh now and then!
DAVEH:  Hmmmmm.......So, if I am to believe you, then you aren't here to "search for Truth"!?!?!?!?!  I really didn't think so either.
If so, I would expect you to eagerly read the BofM You have pretty presumptuous expectations. (as I believe DavidM has done, if I remember correctly) to find out if it is true or not.I already know it isn’t true. You have offered me NO incentive to read it anyway. 
DAVEH:  I see.  Without incentive, you have no desire to "search for Truth", eh.  Well now, what do you think would be my incentive to read Larson's book?
    Now.......I suppose some may think I'm preaching Mormonism here, or you might think I am manipulating you.  But.....I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of your demands. I didn’t demand anything. I simply offered to read your B.of M. if you want me to in exchange for you reading the Larson book first.
DAVEH:  I see you haven't learned what motivates (or perhaps "de-motivates") me.  Conditions don't compell me to do anything, except stand off.
Even if you read the BofM (which I doubt you will due to your disdain for it), I don't think you will accept it.  You expect me to do as DavidM desires, when you don't want to do what I request.  Do you understand what I'm saying, Izzy?Yes; I understand that you are trying to manipulate me into reading your bm book without you having to read the Larson book. Duh. I can figure that one out!
DAVEH:  LOL.....Izzy, I don't want to offend you, but I wasn't trying to get you to read the BofM.  I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your attempt to get me to read Larson's book.
But I will make you a deal.
DAVEH:  Ponder what I said above.
You read the Larson book FIRST and discuss it with David M, and then I will read your BofM. I already have a copy, thanks. (I haven’t read any sci-fi in a long time.)
Dave Hansen

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