I wonder if Marlin sells poinsettias?  He said he doesn't sell Christmas trees.  I would think it is OK to sell Christmas trees as long as it isn't during the Christmas season.  I'm sure it's in the Talmud somewhere.

"Thou shalt not sell poinsettias between the 4th Thursday in November and December 31 as it is an abomination." 

The Pharisees then added in order to protect this commandment from the Saducees,
"Thou shalt not sell poinsettias between the 4th Thursday in November and December 31 unless the person selling the poinsettias, looks up into the heavens and before God swears while in a standing position, "I hereby declare, I am not using these poinsettias for Christmas decorations.  I am only using them for regular decorations."

i see your point...but maybe if you think of Marlin as somewhat like a Mormon, he'll be like DaveH and send you a poinsettia(??)

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