though their lies (and leather) are no more Godly than Hitlers , TT suffers Mormons,
DAVEH:  I'm sorry I've been such an inconvenience to you, g.  Would I fit into TT much better if I simply agreed with everything you say, or would it be better if I simply remain mute?!?!?!?!
Glenn, partly because you've graciously welcomed them, graciously suffered all the bsDAVEH:  If you are blaming Glenn for my presence, wellllllllllll.......I probably would have stayed on even IF Glenn had begged me to leave.  Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas to you, g.  (I'm not sure why, but I do enjoy your company despite the negativism and sharp comments in some of your posts.)and, why not, the Southern Baptists suffer Bill Clinton--no? and you put up with me--a lowly corinthian; i can't even remember anyone on TT being impolite to me--even the righteous DavidM blesses me with 'peace' (while i'm at war) so, maybe it's wise to back off a ways and find out why both Marlin and Santa ain't welcome here, too any ideas, Glenn?  perhaps the tenderhearted Izzy will help you (sorry, i can't help it -->  <rofx666>)  On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 22:06:38 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You have misread me.  I am not threatened by Marlin at all.  He has no authority or say so in my life. I've never met him.   I am enjoying my freedom in Christ.  I find his old arguments old hat from about 30 years ago.  Nothing new from Marlin. When one is on the web it is no telling who the person, who says he is Marlin, really is.  I will tell you this much.  Marlin is slow to criticize Hitler.  He is ignorant of the Scriptures.  He is a Judiazer who is condemned in Gal. 5:4.  He is fallen from grace.

He is on the side of the atheists concerning Christmas and maybe Hitler side too.  We may never know.

I will give you a true story.  NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PARABLE.  A preacher, Butler Book, was riding in a train reading his Bible as was his tradition while traveling.  A man sitting beside him, noticed Book was reading the Bible.  He slightly punched him on the shoulder and said, "I don't believe that bunk."  Preacher Book ignored him.  The man again punched him on the shoulder and said, "I don't believe that bunk".  Preacher Book ignored him.  AFTER about the 4th time that the man had said, "I don't believe that bunk", Preacher Book, put down his Bible.  Looked the man in the eyes and said, "Go to hell quietly".

If Marlin, were in my church, and he threatened to leave if we said too much about Christmas trees here's what I would do.  THE NEXT SUNDAY, AFTER THE THREAT, HE WOULD FIND NOT ONE BUT THREE TREES IN THE CHURCH BUILDING.
       Seriously, I would disfellow him as one fallen from grace.  Galatians 5:4. In plain Jane language, I would kick him out of the church.  And if I had done my teaching right, the whole church would back me.


Unlike you, I am not threatened by Marlin. I am not even bothered by Marlin, let alone worked into apoplexy by Marlin. I find Marlin interesting. I find YOU interesting, as well. (I find the mormons to be entirely predictable, on the other hand.) Izzy


Dave Hansen
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