----Original Message Follows----
From: "Marlin Halverson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Crucial Doctrines
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 16:10:52 -0500

Dear Perry,

1)    Do you think the BIG TWO commandments are required for salvation?

Perry: Not required for salvation...but manifested as a result of our belief in and love for Christ: See 1 John 5:1-3.

The commandments cannot save anyone. If anyone thinks they are saved by keeping the 10 commandments, they are doomed already. The commandments were not given to save us...they were given to demonstrate our transgressions and sinfulness...to demonstrate our need for a savior.

2)    Suppose someone is demon posessed and confesses Jesus as Lord, and
believes that God raised Him from the dead, and confesses this, and is
deliberately and with full knowledge breaking any one of God's 10
comandments.  Does this result in salvation?

JAM 2:19    Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the
devils also believe, and tremble.
Perry: Marlin, what an interesting question. I am no expert on demons, having spent most of my time focusing on Christ, but here goes:

First, I believe that those who have truly placed their faith in Jesus, that is, are saved, cannot be demon possessed. We belong to Christ, and no one can take us from Him.

Second, with that in mind, then someone who is demon possessed has not placed their faith in Jesus, that is, they are not saved.

Third, the angels that fell with Satan (demons) that might possibly inhabit or possess a non-believer cannot be saved. There is NO salvation for angels (or demons). BTW, this is why they tremble...they know who Jesus is, and his righteousness does not cover them! They are doomed!

Fourth: Any non-believing individual who has allowed himself to be controlled by demons cannot accept Christ as long as the demons are in control.

Of course, this leaves all kinds of open questions about demon possession, but I am no expert on this. In fact, I do not think anyone is. So, my answer to this question is "No".


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